Wharton School Colors

Primary Colors

The Primary Color Palette will be present on all communications. Its primary uses are large color fields, overlays, and important callout messages.

The image shows color swatches for "Wharton Blue" and "Wharton Red" with their respective Pantone, CMYK, RGB values, and hex codes.

Secondary Colors

The Secondary Color Palette provides additional colors to be used on design elements. Consistent use of the secondary palette will make them recognizably Wharton.

A color chart displaying 12 different shades with their names, CMYK and RGB values, and hexadecimal codes. Colors include various blues, reds, yellows, and grays.

Using Colors

Wharton is identified by Blue and Red. These should be the dominant colors before all others. The ratio of colors used and the mixing of these colors will result in different tones that create desirable depth to the color palette. Neutral grays (College Gray and Marine Gray) and white backgrounds set the context for these colors.

A pie chart with one large dark blue section and a smaller red section.

Primary Ratio
Blue should always be the dominant color when using the primary color palette. Red should appear as a supporting color to accent content, in calls-to-action, and in design elements to help convey the brand presence.

A pie chart with multiple segments in different colors, representing various data proportions.

Full Spectrum Ratio
When using the full primary and secondary color palette, the primary colors should still dominate the presentation. Bay Blue is often used in overlays and to accent pieces of content that should stand out from the rest of the presentation.