The Wharton name and logo are copyrighted, and their use is restricted. For external groups affiliated with Wharton — customers, partners, sponsors, vendors, and others — the following guidelines will help you know how to use the Wharton name and marks correctly, and where to seek permission.
Every use of the Wharton name and marks reflects on the School’s brand. Any approval for use will take into consideration how the proposed use fits within the School’s mission and goals. Activities that do not fit within the School’s mission will not be permitted to use the Wharton name and marks.
Thank you for your consideration and protection of the Wharton brand.
Use of Wharton Marks
You must be an official affiliate of the School to use the Wharton name or logo. When approved, Wharton grants the entity rights to use the Wharton logo for the one authorized use only, and reserves all rights to revoke usage.
We must be able to review all final creative/usage.
External logos must not stand immediately next to the Wharton logo. On a per-case basis, the Wharton School will create logos and names for special partnerships, such as academic programs or initiatives, authorized by the Dean’s office.
If the School is partnering or sponsoring an academic activity with your group, please work with the respective administrative office for permission to use the School marks/name. (See Sub-branding for more.)
Frequently Asked Questions
Can I use the Wharton logo/name in third party collateral/promotion?
Wharton frequently receives requests from customers, partners, vendors, suppliers, and others to use the Wharton name/marks in promotional applications — advertisements, brochures, or case studies, for example. Such requests should be referred to the Wharton Marketing and Communications Office before permission is granted. In general, Wharton is open to allowing its name and logo to be used by reputable partners if such usage is in the best interests of the School. Before permission is granted, the following factors will be considered:
- Will participation serve Wharton’s interests?
- Will it have a positive effect on Wharton’s brand and reputation?
- Is the requester a well-respected organization with which Wharton wants to have its name associated?
- If the requester is a vendor or supplier, does it have a good record of contract-performance, or does it compete with any Wharton unit in any program area?
- If permission is given, the usage must make clear that Wharton and the third-party organization are separate business and legal entities.
What is the permitted use for sponsors of the School?
Outside sponsors of School programs or activities often seek to use the School name or logo marks in promotional or advertising materials. While the School is pleased to recognize the contributions of sponsors, such recognition must not suggest School endorsement of the sponsor’s activities. Therefore, School names or logo marks may not be connected with any outside entity’s name or logo.
In general, the School will approve usage that recognizes or acknowledges the sponsor’s contribution to the School program or activity. It will not permit any usage that may suggest School endorsement or approval of the sponsor’s goods or services, i.e., the sponsorship relationship must be clear in all uses.
Note: If a student organization or Wharton unit seeks to use the brand assets of an external organization, it must have prior permission from that organization.
Who do I need to contact for permission and access to the Wharton logo?
For approval, please submit your request via the Wharton department, division, or organization with which you are affliated.
To receive permission for your use of the Wharton logo, the appropriate Wharton office/organization should fill out and submit the Logo Request Form.